Originally this blog was an outlet for my uncontrollable
writing urges, while at the same time allowing that outlet to [hopefully] reach
the lost and encourage the saved. I did not want to hide the light of Christ
(Matthew 5:13-15), so I wanted to shine that light through this blog. After all, He is the one who gave me the ability to write - and to God be the Glory!!!
At this point in time, Christian Missus is for:
- Reaching the lost, the unbelievers, the naysayers, the people of other religions, the seekers, the agnostics, and anyone who is unsure about Christianity.
- Encouraging and uplifting other brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Sharing my ideas, lessons learned, personal experiences, facts and other tidbits of information regarding the Christian walk.
- Touching on current and past Christian issues.
- Having a section for clean jokes, for the purposes of keeping a balance between the “difficult stuff “and the “fluffy stuff”.
- Looking into homeschooling, homemaking, and life as a woman and wife according to the Bible, and not according to today’s modern society.
- Most of all, covering a wide range of topics specific to Christian women striving for God’s standard, which I can fully relate to and as a result, write about passionately and extensively, with a personal touch.
I hope you take a few minutes to take a look around!
With Love in Christ,