Monday, May 27, 2013

The Head Covering Movement


I was snooping around Twitter a few days ago, looking up hashtags that are most important to me. While searching #headcovering, I came across a Twitter account called "Covering Movement" (@headcovering). My interest piqued, I clicked on it and read the bio:
The Head Covering Movement is a campaign that seeks to spark a return to the practice of head covering during corporate worship. Read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.
Reading this was a surprise to me. Undoubtedly a very GOOD surprise, and resulted in uplifting both my husband and I. The head covering for a Christian woman is very important for many reasons, and it's a shame that in this modern age it is either ignored, thought to be a cultural implication, or misinterpreted.

Note that the bio says "head covering during corporate worship". I asked the user for further information on this, seeing as it is written:
But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. - 1 Corinthians 11:5
to which he or she responded, in a nutshell, I used to think that too, looking forward to discussing it.

And I, too, am looking forward to this discussion!

The website is not up and running per se, however, there is a homepage that notes it will be soon. You are able to sign up with your email address so you are notified as soon as it is running. As well, there is a fantastic R.C. Sproul quote at the bottom of the page, which is so inspiring because not a lot of modern day pastors and teachers support the wearing of the head covering.

Have a visit! The Head Covering Movement

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